More About Matt Moseley’s Record Swims

On June 14, 2014, he made the first recorded swim crossing of Lake Pontchartrain of 25 miles in 14 hours and 56 minutes. Matt swam to benefit the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation who worked for 25 years to clean up the lake. Wayne Ewing made a documentary of the swim called “Dancing in the Water”.

On May 28, 2015, Matt completed the first recorded swim from the island of Culebra in the Caribbean to Fajardo, Puerto Rico for 24.5 miles in 12 hours and one minute for the Scuba Dogs Society who protect and clean up coral reefs.

On June 28, 2015, Matt was the first person to swim 47.5 miles down the Colorado River through Canyonlands National Park from Moab, Utah to the confluence of the Green River. He swam for American Rivers, the largest river advocacy organization in the world who advocate for open and undammed rivers everywhere.

Moseley was nominated for 2015 Swimming Performance of the Year by the World Open Water Swimming Association. Steve Munatones executive director of WOWSA said, “There is one contemporary swimmer who stands out for his uniquely joyful approach to the sport. Matthew Moseley combines the physical toughness of an endurance athlete with the right brain creativity of an artist. Dancing in the Water combines the human drama of distance swimming with the joy of music and beauty of art, leading to a masterpiece that is greater than the sum of its parts.”